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"We had the pleasure of inviting Dr. Niovi Klavdianou to run her High-Performance Coaching sessions at our annual Tour Director meetings for the past three years. With her qualifications and background, we specifically asked her to coach Tour Directors in how to use their voice effectively on tour. Dr Klavdianou focused on easy to use vocal techniques to preserve the voice, and exercises and tips for successful and confident public speaking. She received excellent evaluations and rave reviews from all participants, and we hope to be able to invite her back for more sessions in future.”

Amy Hillman, Vice President Tour Director Department, EF Educational Tours

„In recent months (November-December 2020), I had the pleasure and the honour to attend a series of sessions on Public Speaking and Negotiation Skills Strengthening, presented by Dr Niovi Klavdianou. With a career in the field of Human Rights and Democratisation, I was part of a group of around ten professional women occupying Senior positions. I already knew Dr Klavdianou through her performances as a renowned Opera singer/actress. I was also aware of her multi-faceted profile, which included degrees in Psychology and Counseling, but was not given the chance to experience her expertise in that field until I enrolled in the aforementioned seminar.

Niovi performed this task with the highest level of professionalism and quality. Her conviction on the importance of improving public speaking skills in the career building of the participants was manifest throughout the course, as well as her profound knowledge of the subject-matter. Dr Klavdianou demonstrated her competence combined with an enthusiasm, which was equally motivating and inspirational. Her energetic disposition was key to engaging the participants in fruitful discussions and creative exercises. She was able to adapt adequately to the specific needs of each participant and propose tangible ways of skills’ and capacity building.

Last, but not least, Dr Klavdianou’s multilingual and multicultural background is, without any doubt, an asset in understanding different socio-cultural make-up and needs. She has my highest recommendation for any individual or group that is interested in developing the mindset that will allow them to highly perform in their field, through building and/or activating the necessary skills."


Christina Papadopoulou Consultant in Human Rights & Democratisation

"An amazing, warmhearted and devoted instructor, full of energy and empathy. We collaborated in a series of meetings (seminars) concerning Public Speaking and Empowering of female professionals. She is such a gifted person and a creative genius. I highly recommend Mrs. Klavdianou for her impactful, updated and deep knowledge on how to achieve outstanding personal and professional performance. I would be more than happy to collaborate with her again. It's always a pleasure!" 


Vasso Giatsidou

Founder of the Mindful Eating Project

Urban Agroecology & Alternative Food Networks

Thessaloniki, GR  

"Niovi Klavidianou ist durch ihre doppelte Begabung und Ausbildung als Künstlerin und Psychologin eine ganz besondere und unvergleichliche Wegbegleiterin für mich. Sie hat mich sowohl im Gesang als auch in meinen Lebensfragen künstlerisch UND psychologisch beraten und stark weiter gebracht. Sie ist in der Lage, einen psychologischen Blick aufs Künstlerische und einen künstlerischen Blick aufs Psychologische zu richten. Durch sie wurde mir klar, wie eng beides zusammen hängt. Darüber hinaus empfinde ich sie immer als sehr einfühlsam und als eine wahre "Sonne". Die Beratungsstunden bei ihr verlasse ich immer in einem Zustand, wo ich wieder fühle, wofür sich das Leben lohnt. Danke, Niovi!"


Charlotte Besserer

Musikerin, Tanz- und Theaterpädagogin

Berlin, DE

"When I met Niovi the first time, has been love at the first sight. Meeting her, I have not only found a coach, a psychologist, a very well competent professional, but also my best supporter. She always give me inspiration and shows me new ways to approach life and the world in its thousands shapes and colours. Niovi has been suggested me by a friend as the best coach for musicians. Indeed she is, but not only for musicians! I really recommend her to anyone that has the urgency to dig deeper in themselves and want to get supported from the energy of a volcano to watch to the outside world with eyes full of magic, ready to discover a beautiful feeling of peace and self awareness. With Niovi you will feel always listened and understood, she will guide you in the best solutions for yourself and your wellbeing."


Cecilia Ferron

Violinist / Owner & Founder of "Lab of Joy"

Milano, IT / Berlin, DE

"I had the honor of attending a series of sessions in "Public Speaking & Negotiation Skills Strengthening Mentorship" by Dr. Niovi Klavdianou through her "LeanIn_Berlin" Channel. I was impressed the moment I saw her. An inspiring female professional who spreads her passion and knowledge to other people., her energy was so uplifting. I received significant insights from her and profound encouragement to expand my business. With all her solution oriented positive vibes we became motivated to reach higher levels of work related performance and inner satisfaction.

I highly respect her work and her attempt to support women identify and release their inner strength in order to succeed in areas which are traditionally considered "mens' fields"  With Dr. Niovi Klavdianou not only did I find a coach but also a helpful collaborator who is always there for me to bounce ideas off and elevate my business."

Kalliopi Giatsidou

Owner at KB Store

Thessaloniki, GR

"Niovi is Magenta; Magenta is a color that is variously defined as purplish-red, reddish-purple or mauvish-crimson. 

 Niovi, so does the colour, can stretch between red and blue tones accordingly as regards the person she is coaching or, to put it better, the public speaking needs of the people who require her professional expertise. To move from active to passive or vice versa is as difficult as to move from a red to a blue tone.

 Niovi has matured her abilities and is constantly improving her science to flow her knowledge and strategic tools into her audience, so it just comes naturally to coachees to follow her lead or, should you wish, to tango.

 Niovi Klavdianou is a synesthete[1]; sense pairing is experienced in such a unique cognitive way that takes different human dimensions - her music expertise of sounds become words and the plethora of her fruitful picture - ideas are vocalized lexically. 

 Enhance you public speaking skills and coaching experience with Niovi is more than an imperative structure; it is pragmatics."


[1] Only 4% of the world population are characterized as synestetes; Nobokov and Kandinsky could pair their senses for our enjoyment and thus offered a different dimension to our cognitive intake.


Elpis Chochliourou, Creative  

Thessaloniki, Greece

„Frau Dr. Klavdianou hat mir durch Ihre ausdrucksstarke und überzeugende Art sehr schnell dabei geholfen auch vor größerem Publikum aufzutreten. Ich muss regelmäßig Fachvorträge zu verschiedenen Themen vor hochkarätigen Zuhörern geben und meine Ängste haben mich vorher immer davon abgehalten meine wahres Potenzial zu entfalten.
Durch ihr Coaching bin ich viel weniger nervös, kann mich mehr auf meinen Vortrag konzentrieren und bin dadurch viel überzeugender geworden. Vielen Dank!“


Sven Patzig, Marketing Manager, Public Speaker, Berlin, Germany

"The last 8 years I run an activist bookshop called Free Thinking Zone, based in Athens Greece. It is a community based shop, that works with volunteers who are engaged in various activities for the protection of human rights and the freedom of expression. We also organise a variety of other events, seminars and workshops. We had the grat pleasure and honor to meet and collaborate with Dr Klavdianou at the very first days of the shop, when Dr. Klavdianou offered her pro bono services as a coach and inspirational leader to our volunteers. I take advantage of this opportunity to thank her once more for her generosity! She was exceptional! A real professional, very meticulus and caring! During her coaching we all took valuable advises to better identify personal and professional goals and priorities. Through her inspiring words we were furthermore able to make significant moves to improve the way we think and revalue our lives. It has been a unique experience to be coached by Dr. Klavdianou and I gladly recommend her to anyone. "

Areti Georglis,
Free Thinking Zone,
Athens, Greece

"Dr. Klavdianou presented a three day seminar on the grounds of Vimatec Headquartes in Greece on the Subject of Sales Activation through Effective  Communication, Active Listening and Design Thinking.

She is a perceptive, result-oriented strategist and we here at Vimatec learned a lot from her. We are consciously implementing her communication techniques on how to present our products to prospect clients and how to reconnect with our existing ones and are seeing real results. I can recommend her 100%!"

Georg Vidalis,
Vimatec CEO,
Thessaloniki, Greece

"As a strategic intervention coach myself, I participated at the "Public Presentation Skills" Masterclass by Dr. Niovi Klavdianou at DEREE COLLEGE in Athens in 2014. I had heard so much in advance about her effectiveness and I wanted to see for myself what was so special about her methodology and techniques. The 21-hour weekend  training was absolutely worth my time and financial investment.

Dr. Klavdianou's approach to Public Speaking and Presentation Skills encompassed tools beyond regular expectations, incorporating concepts, theories and exercises deriving from Speech and Vocal Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Coaching, and Business. She combined it so well that at the end of the Masterclass I left motivated, inspired and energised!

She began with the "Speaker and Voice Training" and shared her knowledge on how to properly release the voice when speaking out and how to deactivate Stage Fright by mastering our breathing and thoughts. She continued with the "Authentic Presentation Training", gearing us towards defining and developing our personal rhetorical style. After that, we were coached on how to hold different type of commentaries in front of a camera and in the microphone for Mass Media purposes. At the end, each of us had prepared a speech based on our profession, we trained it individually and she gave us detailed feedback and specific  recommendations.

The "Bonus":
By focusing almost exclusively on our body language as part of an exercise, Niovi was immediately able to detect gender based inhibitions among female speakers and coached us how to transform these and keep on excelling as women in leadership positions. We were all thrilled!"

Eleni Oikonomopoulou,
Strategic Intervention Coach,
Brussels, Belgium

„Dr. Klavdianou has a way of bringing one to the highest level of their performance ability. She succeeds in liberating them from their inner boundaries time and again regardless of the level of fear or mental blockages they arrive with.

She is an empathic, strong willed, demanding performance trainer. With a sense of humour and a personable attitude, she unlocks the true potential of our performers.“


Dr. Samuel Springer, Professor, MSU Fine & Performing Arts Department, Baltimore, USA

„Dr Niovi Klavdianou is a exceptionally effective coach combining both artistic and mentoring skills in a 5 stars level, which lead not only to a successful seminar but also to a holistic experience of life long learning for all of us. I was lucky enough to participate in one of her seminars as a member of the Storytelling Group “Lupus in fabula” and as a coordinator of the Storytelling Festival of Thessaloniki. The feedback we got from the participants was that of a “game changer seminar” that acted as a kick-off to broaden our horizons, and setting higher standards in our performance abilities. We couldn't have asked for anything better than this!”


Yorgos Adamidis, Professional Storyteller „Lupus in Fabula“, Thessaloniki, Greece

„Dr. Klavdianou is a distinctly professional, charismatic coach with years of experience in her field. She is being repeatedly invited to the University of Macedonia to coach the Masters and PhD Students the proper mental preparation skills and techniques for achieving their Peak Performance in Public Speaking. We mostly have Political Science and International Law students, and as a result, it is of utter importance that they can publicly present themselves in a flawless manner.

I can't think of anyone more fearless than you! Kudos, Niovi!!!“


Mariet Vaina, Director of PR, University of Macedonia, Greece

"Ich bin schon seit bald dreißig Jahren in der Kunst. Ich durfte schon viel Schönes und Erfüllendes auf der Bühne erleben. Doch immer gab es einen Schatten, ein Muster, dass mir das wichtigste raubte. Die Freude. Mit Niovi verbindet uns eine längere Geschichte, dir in unserer Heimatstadt Thessaloniki begonnen hat. Eines Tages hörte ich ein Interview über Ihre Arbeit in diesem Feld und... "Klick". Ich wusste: Sie ist die richtige Person! Ich wünsche, ich könnte in einigen Zeilen mein Erlebnis, diese heilende Reise mit Niovi als Begleiterin und Unterstützerin zu beschreiben. Zuerst das Gefühl, dass sie mir ganz sorgfältig zuhört. Nicht nur dem, was ich sage, sondern - und vor allem - dem, was ich nicht sage. Sie hat ganz wunderbare Werkzeuge in ihrem Koffer, die sie dann liebevoll einsetzt. Ich fühlte mich getragen, gestärkt und inspiriert. Ich konnte, schon nach der ersten Sitzung ein Beobachter meiner Gedanken und Glaubenssätzen werden und unterscheiden, dass ich die Wahl habe, in der Kraft und vor allem in der FREUDE zu bleiben! Meine nächsten Auftritte waren der Beweis, dass diese wunderbare Werkzeuge effizient sind. Danke von tiefstem Herzen!"


Yorgos Nasios, Singing Actor, Zurich, Switzerland

“I have experienced many rewarding coaching sessions with Dr.Klavdianou in regards to my personal transformation quest that was unravelling in me. She is an exquisite conversationalist, with a sharp mind and vast insights both in various psychological therapy techniques as well as in personal life experiences and passion in the performing arts of theatre and opera. I work as costume designer, and finding Dr. Klavdianou with this combination of capacities, has been for me most useful in the challenge to lift mental blocks and reactivate my inner compass that has allowed me to grow further as a person and in my job career. A truly heartfelt thank you!”


Dagmar Elizabeth Mecca, Costume Designer for Opera and Theatre, Copenhagen, Denmark

„Dr. Klavdinou is exceptionally devoted to the work with her clients. She listens well and can easily see through the words that are being said to the actual inner obstacles that hold one back. I was impressed when she coached my 14 year old son into liking Chemistry again. It took her less than 10 coachings to reverse the damage that had been done to him through his previous teachers that left him dreading to go to school, not to mention taking tests. The most important gift though, is that she proved to him, that he can be mentally in control of any situation, regardless of how impossible it might originally seem. He has been using her techniques for 7 years now and he is so empowered. „


Adam Shapiro, Engineer and Father of 3 sons, NY, USA

„We had the great honor of hosting Dr.Klavdianou at the Mousikotropon Festival as a Performance Enhancing coach. It was a unique experience for all participants and a truly inspiring seminar for all artists. Niovi, a passionate professional, taught a lot more than self-confidence. She tought purpose and integrity. Definately a five-star coach!!!“


Christos Lenoutsos, Artistic Director of Mousikotropon Festival, Larissa, Greece

„Dr. Klavdianou held an extensive seminar for all kinds of artists (singers, actors, dancers, performers, etc.) in the Art Space SourLiBooM in Thessaloniki few years ago. The results on both professional and amateur artists were pure magic. They all transformed into courageous and extroverted performers within few days. Her detailed and profound analysis and continuous support for them proved transformational. Highly recommended for those who need effective performance coaching!“


Greg Pyrialas, Opera Singer, Actor, Director of Art Space SourLiBoom, Thessaloniki, Greece

"This letter of my highest recommendation is composed with endless gratitude to Dr. Niovi Klavdianou, Life coach, who was able to coach me, support me and mentally free me throughout my divorce between 2013 to 2017. 

There were ongoing legal battles that made it impossible for me to focus on myself, my profession or my children. I had mentally hit a wall. I lost my joy of life and was shaken in my identity for over ten years when I met her. She proved to be an enlightened and dedicated life mentor, and helped me activate my own resources, reestablish my relationship with my family and find solutions that serve my way of life, my purpose and my identity. She listens and thinks carefully before she introduces a new concept or suggestion, but then she is usually spot on. She is an asset to anyone in a challenging situation."


Sincerely, Jonas Federer, London Area, UK

"Hey Niovi, you have been a life saver! Thank you for helping me get back on track with my music, trust myself, make that record. I will always remember our work fondly! And that time in Oslo, where I was able to experience FREEDOM on stage after all these years of panic attacks and all that ... For this, I will never forget you! Live well, Niovi! Thank you!"

 CNGS, Singer-Songwriter, Oslo, Noway

„Dr. Klavdianou is highly intelligent, holistically read on the subject of social emotional intelligence and she is set to make us all aware of our full potential. She is a force of nature. Focused, perceptive and utterly kind. She is the Life Mentor one didn't have as a child.„


Joanna Carra,

Radio Producer, Commercial Public Speaker, Rome, Italy

„It was a 12h performance workshop. Niovi created through her charming personality a relaxing and fun atmosphere, focusing on authenticity and inner power. Taking every participants specific needs into consideration, I bared witness as we all  took our performance at least two levels higher - probably more. Thank you so much, Niovi, for this unique, empowering experience!“


Zoe Valioti, Actress, Athens, Greece

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